![Camerino Topdrim 2nd EATCS YOUNG RESEARCHER SCHOOL](img/camerino-03.jpg)
Camerino, Italy - July 18th & July 22nd, 2015
Camerino, Italy - July 13-22, 2015
![Topdrim Topdrim](http://www.topdrim.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/topdrim_logo_300x.png)
Samson Abramsky is Christopher Strachey Professor of Computing and a Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford University. Previously he held chairs at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, and at the University of Edinburgh. He holds MA degrees from Cambridge and Oxford, and a PhD from the University of London. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (2004), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (2000), and a Member of Academia Europaea (1993). He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the North Holland Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, and of the Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science. He was General Chair of LiCS 2000-2003, and is currently a member of the LiCS Organizing Committee. His paper "Domain theory in Logical Form" won the LiCS Test-of-Time award (a 20-year retrospective) for 1987. The award was presented at LiCS 2007. He was awarded an EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship on Foundational Structures and Methods for Quantum Informatics in 2007.He has played a leading role in the development of game semantics, and its applications to the semantics of programming languages. Other notable contributions include his work on domain theory in logical form, the lazy lambda calculus, strictness analysis, concurrency theory, interaction categories, and geometry of interaction. He has recently been working on high-level methods for quantum computation and information. See: Samson's web page.
Frédéric Chazal is Directeur de Recherche (DR1) at INRIA Saclay-Ile-de-France. He holds his PhD in Pure Mathematics at Université de Bourgogne. He is a member of editorial board of Discrete and Computational Geometry (Springer), SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences and Graphical Models (Elsevier). His main research interests are in the fields of Topological and Geometric Data Analysis: statistical methods, inference and learning Topological persistence; Geometric inference and geometric learning; Computational Geometry, Geometry processing and Solid Modeling and Geometry and Topology. He published many papers in leading international journals and books. See: Frédéric's web page.
Flavio Corradini is Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Camerino. Since November 2011, he is the Rector of the University of Camerino. He has been Prorector of International Research and the Transfer of Knowledge, Skills and Technology (2010-2011), and Director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department (2006-2009), President of the center for digital services and information systems of the University of Camerino (2004-2010) and Coordinator of the Computer Science Studies of the University of Camerino (2004-2006). He is permanently invited member to the Technical Committee for the "Target Project to Research and Innovation" by National Industries Association (Confindustria). He is member in the tables of assessment at MIUR for the "Future Internet" IT Technology Platform and to set up the Italian perspective in the "Vision of the European Research". He was the co-founder and the President of the spin-off UniCam "e-Lios (e-Linking on line systems)". His main research activities are in the area of formal specification, verification of concurrent, distributed and real-time systems and in the area of e-government and information society. He published more than 100 papers in the main journals and conference of his area of interest. See: Flavio's web page.
Rocco De Nicola is full professor of Computer Science since 1990 and is among the ISI HiglyCited researchers for Computer Science. He has over 150 published papers, with important contribution to process algebras equivalences, temporal logics, languages for net- work aware programming, and quantitative analysis of systems. De Nicola is a member of the advisory boards of CITI-Lisbon and MT-Lab Lyngby and in the steering committee of important series of conferences. He has been invited speaker, PC chair and PC member for many inter- national conferences and workshops in the last twenty years. He is a member of the Academia Europaea, and of Working Group 2.2 and 1.9 of IFIP. In 2005 he was appointed "Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic" by the President of the Italian Republic. In the last 10 years De Nicola has been Principal Investigator and site coordinator for the FET projects: AGILE, MIKADO, SENSORIA. Currently he is the site coordinator and WP leader for the ASCENS and QUANTICOL project.Rocco's web page.
Mariangiola Dezani has been full professor of Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Torino since 1981. She is member of the editorial board of Information and Computation and of The Computer Journal, member of the IFIP Working Group 2.2, member of the Academia Europaea. In the 1980s she introduced with other researchers intersection type assignment systems, which were initially used as finitary descriptions of lambda-models. More recently, she studied type systems for communication centred calculi. In 2015 she was named EATCS Fellow.Mariangiola's web page.
Domenico Felice is currently a postdoctoral researcher in Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Models at University of Camerino, School of Science and Technology. In 2007, he received his M. Sc. in Mathematics, specializing in Riemannian Geometry, from University of Pisa. In 2012, he earned his PhD in Mathematics at University of Florence. At University of Camerino, his primary research focus concerns the application of Information Geometry Methods to both classical and quantum complex systems.
Fenix Huang received his PhD under the supervision of Professor Christian Reidys at the Center for Combinatorics, Nankai University, China, a Key Laboratory for Pure Mathematics and Combinatorics. After two years of post doc at Institute of mathematics and computer science, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), he is promoted as an assistant professor at the same department, 2014. He is now an research assistant professor at Virginia Bioinformatic Institute (VBI), Virginia Tech, USA. The core theme of his research is the discrete maths and algorithms in the context of pseudoknot RNA structures. He did a lot of work on the framework of algorithms predicting RNA pseudoknot structures as well as RNA-RNA interaction structures based on combinatorial and topological classification. Currently he is working on extracting information from the RNA structures based on a topological model, inverse folding problem, and the topological model of permutations that relates to the reversal and transposition distance problem of genome.
Jeff Johnson is Professor of Complexity Science and Design at the Open University. His PhD is in mathematics and he is a chartered mathematician and a chartered software engineer. His research involves developing new mathematical methods for the design and management of complex systems. He has worked in many areas including road traffic systems, market systems, organisational structure, intelligent systems, pattern recognition, robotics, and machine vision. He has extensive experience of projects funded by industry, national research councils, and the European Commission. His European projects have included leading a number of coordination actions and through these he has established an extensive network of complex systems scientists in Europe and around the world. He is author or editor of five books and he has published many papers applying structures from algebraic topology to complex multilevel systems to complex multilevel systems.Jeff's web page.
Seth Lloyd is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the director of the WM Keck Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory at MIT, the director of the Program in Quantum Information at the Institute for Scientific Interchange, and Miller Fellow at the Santa Fe Institute. Lloyd earned his A.B. degree in Physics from Harvard University, his Masters of Advanced Study in Mathematics and M.Phil. in History and Philosophy of Science from Cambridge University, and his Ph.D. in Physics from Rockefeller University. After postdoctoral fellowships at Caltech and at Los Alamos, he joined the MIT faculty in 1994. His research area is the interplay of information with complex systems, especially quantum systems. He has performed seminal work in the fields of quantum computation and quantum communication. He is the author of over 150 papers in refereed journals, and of a book, `Programming the Universe,' as well as of numerous contributions to refereed proceedings, articles in Science, Nature, and Scientific American. Professor Lloyd has received awards for research and teaching, including the Lindbergh and Edgerton prizes. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and Miller Fellow at the Santa Fe Institute. Seth's web page.
Stefano Mancini earned the PhD in Physics from the University of Perugia in 1998 and then began his academic career at University of Milan. Subsequently he obtained a lecturer position at University of Camerino where he is currently professor of theoretical physics and mathematical methods. His interests are in the fields of open dynamical systems, quantum information theory and information geometry where he published more than 180 papers in leading international journals. He has a lot of international collaborations and he has contributed to several projects funded under international umbrellas as well as by Italian Institutions.Stefano's web page.
Emanuela Merelli, PhD in Artificial Intelligent Systems, is associate professor and coordinator of the Doctoral program in Computer Science at the University of Camerino. She is the coordinator of the TOPDRIM FP7-FET project and has been unit coordinator of LITBIO (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Technologies in Bioinformatics) Italian FIRB project. Her research interests are formal methods and computational biology. Currently her research topic concerns the synthesis of automata for topological data space as recognizer of the data languages. She published many papers, some of them with interdisciplinary character, in refereed international journals. She is continuously involved in the organization of interdisciplinary events among which she conceived "From Biology to Concurrency and Back (FBTC)".Emanuela's web page.
Ugo Montanari is Emeritus Professor of University of Pisa at the Department of Computer Science. He is presently member of the Editorial or Advisory Boards of the following international scientific journals: Fundamenta Informaticae, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, New Generation Computing, Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Science Review. He was member of the Boards of Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Logic Programming, Science of Computer Programming and Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. He is presently member of the steering committees of the following international conferences: CALCO, CMCS, CONCUR, ICGT, TGC, WRLA. He was member of the steering committee of CP. His research involves Semantics of Concurrency, Process Description and Object Oriented Languages, Constraint Programming, Graph Rewriting Systems, Coordination Models, Algebraic and Categorical Models of Concurrency, Models and Languages for Open Distributed Systems, Network Aware Programming, Service Oriented Computing. He is the author of about 300 papers in international refereed journals and conference proceedings and three books. He also edited about 20 books and special issues. Pioneering papers in: picture recognition, graphics, graph grammars, heuristically guided search, networks of constraints, algebraic data types, logic unification and true concurrency.Ugo's web page.
Yamir Moreno is Research Professor & Deputy Director of the Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) and member of its Government Board and Steering Committee. He is head of the Complex Systems and Networks Lab (COSNET) since 2003 and is also affiliated to the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Zaragoza. He holds his PhD in Physics from University of Zaragoza then joined the Condensed Matter Section of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy as a research fellow. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports and Journal of Complex Networks, and Academic Editor of PLoS ONE. Prof. Moreno also belongs to the Executive Committee and Council of the Complex Systems Society (CSS), to the Board of the NetSci Society and to the Future and Emerging Technology Advisory Group of the European Union "s Research Program: H2020. Besides, he is a member of the Advisory Board of the WHO Collaborative Center "Complexity Sciences for Health Systems" (CS4HS), whose headquarters is at the University of British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, in Vancouver, Canada. He is the elected Vice-president of the Complex Systems Society and Member of the Board of the Network Science Society. His main research activities concern the study of nonlinear dynamical systems coupled to complex structures and of more complex and realistic scenarios for the modeling of infectious diseases, synchronization phenomena, the emergence of collective behaviors in biological and social environments He has published more than 145 scientific papers in international refereed.Yamir's web page.
Marco Pettini is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Physics Department of AMU. He received the Laurea in Physics in 1978 from the University of Firenze, Italy, and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) from the former University of Aix-Marseille II. Leader of the Nonlinear Dynamics Team at CPT, has published more than 90 papers on scientific journals and one book [M.Pettini, Geometry and Topology in Hamiltonian Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics, IAM Series n.33, Springer, NY (2007), pp.456]. Among other original contributions in nonlinear dynamics and its applications (as an open-loop theory of control of chaos in dissipative and Hamiltonian systems; the definition of a non- conventional model to explain anomalous transport in magnetized thermonuclear fusion plasmas; the discovery of a transition between weak and strong chaos in large Hamiltonian systems), he has formulated a new theoretical approach to explain the origin of Hamiltonian chaos in terms of Riemannian geometry and a new theory of phase transitions resorting to differential topology (Morse theory). He has been working in: Atomic Physics, Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics, Nonlinear Systems Theory, Mathematical Physics, Biophysics.Marco's web page.
Riccardo Piergallini is Full Professor of Geometry at University of Camerino. The main field of his scientific activity is low-dimensional topology. In particular, he is interested in the theory of branched coverings, as a tool for representing manifolds and studying various topological and geometric structures on them. Recently, he started to consider computational applications of topology and geometry, specially the ones concerning spatial modelling, image processing, computer graphics and artificial vision.Riccardo's web page.
Giovanni Pistone has been professor of Probability of the Politecnico di Torino to the year 2009 when he retired. Previously he was professor at the Universitá di Genova, where he served as Head of the Department of Mathematics for 3 years. He obtained his "Laurea" (Master degree) from the Universitá di Torino in 1969, and the degree "docteur de 3me cycle" from the Universitè de Rennes (France) in 1975. He has worked as high school teacher and as postdoc, assitant professor, associate professor for the universities of Turin, Nice (France), Genoa. Contributions to Probability and Mathematical Statistics cover various topics, e.g. Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Industrial Statistics, Information Geometry, Algebraic Statistics. He holds un undergraduate degree in Theology from the Facoltá Valdese di Teologia, Rome. He is local preacher and member of the Chiesa Valdese di Torino. Currently he is affiliate of the Statistics Initiative of the Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, Italy.Giovanni's web page.
Rick Quax is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Computational Science in the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam. I am particularly interested in the emergence of complex, systemic behavior from the interactions of relatively simple elements, such as human cognition from neurons and synapses, cell regulatory processes from gene-gene interactions, and social unrests and protests through person-person communication. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter M.A. Sloot, I am specifically formulating a theoretical framework of information processing in complex systems, more specifically, systems with complex networks of interactions. My goal is to use information theory as a universal language to describe the emergent behavior of such systems. In particular, I believe it may provide a bridge between microscopic and macroscopic information, and may express causal relations. This can be used to characterize the behavior of a system as a whole in terms of local dynamics. I obtained the Ph.D. in Computational Science at the University of Amsterdam in 2013, the M.Sc. ("Full GPA") in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A., and the B.Sc. ("cum laude") in Computer Science from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Rick's web page.
Mario Rasetti is Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics at the Politecnico, and President of the ISI Foundation in Torino, Italy. He holds degree (MSc) in Nuclear Engineering, a second one in Mathematics at the Politecnico of Torino in 1967/68 and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the CTH in Göteborg. From the very beginning, his scientific activity had an international profile (Yale, Coral Gables at Miami University, Princeton at the Institute for Advanced Studies). He has been awarded with the following prizes and honors Majorana Prize for Theoretical Physics, 2009, Volta Medal for Science, 2010 and Outstanding Referee, American Institute of Physics, 2009. His contributions to science were mostly in theoretical and mathematical physics, mathematics, information science and complexity science: solid state, statistical mechanics, theory of non-linear dynamical systems and chaos, quantum mechanics and quantum optics, quantization, quantum information and computation, topological quantum field theory, topological methods in data science, knot theory, quantum and super algebras.
Christian Reidys He earned the PhD in Graph and Probability Theory, Neutral networks of RNA secondary structures, University of Jena, Germany, advisors Prof. R. Fichtner and Prof. P. Schuster. After PostDoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Staff Member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, Professor for Mathematics at Nankai University at the Center for Combinatorics. Deputy Director of the Center for Combinatorics, LMPC, Nankai University. Since 2011 he is Professor for Mathematics at the University of Southern Denmark. His general research interests are Discrete mathematics; Computational Biology; Molecular evolution, structure, prediction and evolution of RNA. He has published many papers in refereed international journals.Christian's web page.
Matteo Rucco is currently a PhD candidate in the Computational Science, curricula "Information Science and Complex Systems " organized by the School of Advanced Studies at University of Camerino and supervised by Prof. E. Merelli. He obtained the M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Camerino and the B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Salento, Italy. The goal of his research activity is the formalization of a new methodology for modeling the behaviour of complex systems. The methdology is based on the application of topological-based techniques for data analysis, information theory, and automata theory.
Martina Scolamiero started a postdoctoral researcher position at École Polytechnique fédéral de Lausanne. Her work is focused on studying psychiatric diseases using topological methods. She received a Phd in Production Systems and Industrial design from Politecnico di Torino. During this period she has been working on applications of computational topology to network theory with emphases on social and managerial networks under the supervision of Prof.F. Vaccarino. Subsequently she earned a Phd in mathematics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm under the supervision of Prof. W.Chacholski. Her thesis was focused on multidimensional persistence, a method in topological data analysis which allows to study topological properties of data using more than one parameter. Her main research interests are in the field of topological data analysis and in particular generalizations of persistent homology.
Alexandra Silva is a theoretical computer scientist whose main research focuses on semantics of programming languages and modular development of algorithms for computational models. A lot of her work uses the unifying perspective offered by coalgebra, a mathematical framework established in the last decades. Alexandra is currently an assistant professor at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Previously, she was a post-doc at Cornell University, with Prof. Dexter Kozen, and a PhD student at the Dutch national research center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), under the supervision of Prof. Jan Rutten and Dr. Marcello Bonsangue.Alexandra's web page.
Peter Sloot is distinguished research professor at the University of Amsterdam and a full professor and director of the Complexity Institute in NTU, Singapore. He is a laureate of the Russian Leading Scientist president's program and has been the PI of many international research programs on complex biomedical systems, like Virolab and Dynanets. He is editor in chief of two highly ranked Elsevier Science journals. He has published over 400 research papers. His work is covered in international media such as newspapers, interviews and documentaries. See: Peter's web page.
Luca Tesei took the PhD in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa on 28/04/2004. He was then one-year post-doc at Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. From 01/04/2005 he has been Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the School of Science and Technology of the University of Camerino. From 2002 to 2015 Luca Tesei participated to 5 National PRIN research projects, one National FIRB research project and one EU FP7 FET-Open Project. His main research interests are in Formal Methods for the specification and verification of complex systems: automata, timed automata, probabilistic automata, timed non-interference properties, timed and untimed process algebras, model checking. Moreover, he is interested in Systems Biology: modelling of biological systems, emergent behaviours, simulation of biological systems, membrane computing, modelling of ecosystems, modelling using multi-agent systems. Finally, he is active in the field of Abstract Interpretation: static analysis of programming languages, verification of security properties. Luca Tesei is author and peer reviewer of many papers published in proceedings of international workshops/conferences and in international journals in the sector of theoretical computer science.Luca's web page.
Francesco Vaccarino is aggregate Professor of Geometry, Topology and Statistics and tenured researcher at Politecnico di Torino, research scientist at the ISI Foundation. He is an expert in invariant theory, algebraic geometry and algebraic topology.Francesco's web page.
Rob van Glabbeek has a strong international reputation in the study of the theory of concurrent computation, having made particular contributions to the conciliation of the interleaving and the true concurrency communities by codeveloping the current view of branching time and causality as orthogonal but interacting dimensions of concurrency. He condensed many divergent views on semantic equivalences into the linear time- branching time spectrum. The resulting publications are required reading in the graduate programs of several universities. Together with Peter Weijland he invented the notion of branching bisimulation. With Ursula Goltz he proposed the notion of action refinement as a useful tool for evaluating semantic equivalences and implementation relations. With Peter Rittgen he initiated the application of process algebraic methods in the formal description and analysis of economic production processes. Together with Vaughan Pratt he initiated the now widespread use of higher dimensional automata and other geometric models of concurrency. With Gordon Plotkin he integrated various causality respecting models of concurrency, including Petri nets, event structures and propositional theories. In addition, he has organised workshops on combining compositionality and concurrency, on logic, language and information, on the Unified Modelling Language, on workflow management, web services and business process modelling, on automatic and semi-automatic system verification, on structural operational semantics, and on formal methods for embedded systems. He is editor-in-chief of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, a member of the editorial boards of Information and Computation and Theoretical Computer Science, and has been on several dozen program committees. See: Rob's web page.
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