Topdrim meeting at CIRM, Marseille
April 1, 2013 • meeting
The Topdrim project held a work meeting at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) in Marseille on March, 28-29.
The first day started with a presentation by Ricardo Lima on the challenges and opportunities for topology driven approaches to protein-protein interaction research as well as for the analysis of the dynamics of regulatory gene networks.
During this meeting partners reported on the ongoing research on topology driven methods for describing multi-level complex systems. Also the meeting presented the opportunity for the six partners to explore new opportunities for cross collaborations.
Slides from the presentations (when available) will be posted in the Publications page.
Pictures from the Meeting below:
- Marseille Cathedral
- Ricardo Lima
- Topdrim members at the entry for the Social Dinner
- Social Dinner
- Social Dinner
- Social Dinner
- Francesco Vaccarino presenting at the meeting
- Emanuela Merelli
- Topdrim meeting room
- Marseille old port
- Marseille old port
- Marseille Notre Dame de la Garde